Managing Morning Sickness During Your Pregnancy

8 December 2022
 Categories: , Blog


Morning sickness during pregnancy isn't inevitable. However, a significant proportion of women experience it and struggle to find ways to manage it. Despite its name, it can occur at all times of the day. And in some cases, it lasts beyond the first trimester. Here are some ways to manage it.

Start Resting More

Tiredness exacerbates morning sickness, so seize opportunities to rest when you can. If you're leading a busy lifestyle, try finding ways to get more sleep or incorporate naps into your day. Naturally, resting more isn't always easy, particularly if you're working. Try speaking to your boss about cutting back on some of your duties. You may need your obstetrician's support with this. They can provide evidence that lighter work duties will improve your morning sickness so you can get more rest.

Adjust Your Eating

Nausea and vomiting may leave you feeling as though you simply don't want to eat. However, this isn't the answer to stopping morning sickness. Instead, you may need to adjust how you eat. Cut back on foods that are especially greasy or rich. Try focusing on plainer foods, which are easier for the body to digest. You may also want to eat smaller meals. If your sickness continues, try reflecting on smells and foods that trigger it. Some women find that the scent of food cooking triggers their sickness, so you can try switching to cold dishes.

Breathing Exercises

Deep breathing exercises may stimulate your vagus nerve. Your vagus nerve connects with your gastrointestinal system. As such, deep breathing and the right stimulation might help to reduce your nausea. You can try breathing exercises as a form of prevention and cure. Incorporate them into your daily routine by trying them first thing in the morning. Breathe in deeply to the count of three and then slowly exhale. You can use the same method when a wave of nausea hits. Deep breathing can also increase your relaxation levels. With less stress, your morning sickness may not feel as severe.

Discuss Medications

Sometimes self-help doesn't reduce sickness, or you may find that it doesn't lower it to a level where you can go about your usual day-to-day tasks. If this is the case, discuss medications with your obstetrician. There are safe medications available that can make sickness less severe without harming your baby. Usually, this means taking an antihistamine. If you're struggling to take the medication without vomiting, your obstetrician can offer you a suppository instead.

Contact a local obstetrician to learn more.